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A Study on Thermo-Acoustic Refrigeration System


          Refrigeration is the science of producing and maintaining temperatures below that of the surrounding atmosphere. It finds application in almost all fields for the purpose of temperature control. Until the beginning of the twenty-first century, CFC’S were widely used as refrigerants. The use of CFC’s is banned acknowledging its harmful effects on the environment. This led to the evolution of HCFC’s and HFC’s. However these too have disadvantages. Both have high cost of production and contribute to global warming. The development of alternative cheap and green refrigeration techniques has thus become the priority for the future. Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration (TAR) is one such green idea for refrigeration. Lord Rayleigh [1] was the first to give a thoroughly qualitative description of thermo-acoustic effects in 1887. After this, the subject remained untouched until 1970 when scientists like Rott, Hofler and G. W. Swift signaled its revival with their research on TAR.[1]
           Thermoacoustic deals with thermal effects of the sound waves and the interconversion of sound energy and heat. Sound waves travel in a longitudinal fashion. They travel with successive compression and rarefaction of the medium in which they travel (gaseous medium in this case). This compression and expansion respectively lead to the heating and cooling of the gas. This principle is employed to bring about the refrigeration effect in a thermoacoustic refrigerator. [2]

What is a Thermo-Acoustic?

             Thermo-acoustic is a branch of acoustics and thermodynamics, which studies the movement of heat by sound waves. Acoustics deals with the study of the effect of sound transfer, like pressure changes and motion oscillations, whereas thermo-acoustic deals with temperature oscillations. Thermo-acoustic, deals with how sound energy converted into heat or vice versa. A basic knowledge of sound and heat transfer is a prerequisite for better understanding of the TAR. [1]
Fig.1. Thermo-acoustic refrigerator setup


               Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System mainly consist of a loudspeaker attached to an acoustic resonator (tube) filled with a gas. In the resonator, a stack consisting of a number of parallel plates and two heat exchangers are installed. The loudspeaker, which acts as the driver, sustains acoustic standing waves in the gas at the fundamental resonance frequency of the resonator. The acoustic standing wave displaces the gas in the channels of the stack while compressing and expanding respectively leading to heating and cooling of the gas. The gas, which is cooled due to expansion absorbs heat from the cold side of the stack and as it subsequently heats up due to compression while moving to the hot side, rejects the heat to the stack. Thus the thermal interaction between the oscillating gas and the surface of the stack generates an acoustic heat pumping action from the cold side to the hot side. The heat exchangers exchange heat with the surroundings, at the cold and hot sides of the stack.[2]

Fig.2 Schematic representation of construction of thermoacoustic refrigerator.
          Above represented figure shows the schematic representation of the construction of thermoacoustic refrigerator where the loudspeaker is used as a driver, the resonance tube sustains the standing wave.
            The heat exchangers are used so that heat interaction with the surrounding takes place. Heat is pumped from the cold end heat exchanger to the hot end heat exchanger. It is known that sound waves are longitudinal waves. They produce compression and rarefaction in the medium they travel. Maximum pressure occurs at the point of zero velocity and minimum pressure at maximum velocity.[2]


           The experimental model of TAR mainly consists of resonator, Stack(regenerator), working gas, end plugs, heat exchanger and acoustic driver. Each component has been explained in the following sections.

Working Gas

In order to get more thermo acoustic power a high mean pressure, a high velocity of sound and a large cross-sectional area are required. For this reason, helium is commonly used in thermo acoustic devices. Helium’s velocity of sound is much higher than that of air and helium will not condense or freeze at low temperatures. The thermal conductivity of gas should be high as well, and the Prandtl number should be low, since a low Prandtl number would mean low viscous losses. [6]

Acoustic Driver

The total acoustic power used by the refrigerator is provided by an acoustic driver. A significant portion of this power is used to pump heat in the stack and the rest is dissipated in different parts of the refrigerator. A higher performance of the driver leads to a higher performance of the whole refrigerator system. The accoustic driver converts electric power into accoustic power. The most common loudspeaker is of electro dynamic type which uses copper wires and permanent magnet. A loudspeaker with maximum power of 10 watts and 5Ω at the operating frequency of 360 Hz was selected as the acoustic driver for this study.[6]
Fig.3. Acoustic Driver

Acoustic Resonator (Tube resonator)

The shape, length, weight and the losses are important parameters for designing the resonator. Length of resonator is determined by the resonance frequency and minimal losses at the wall of the resonator. The length of resonator tube corresponds to quarter of the wavelength of the standing wave is:
L=λ/2         λ=a/f
 a is the speed of sound in m/s, λ is the wavelength in mm and f is the resonance frequency in Hz. The viscous and thermal relaxation dissipation losses take place within the distance equal to the thermal penetration depth, from the surface of the resonator. For the resonance frequency 360Hz, the length of resonant tube was set equal to 240 mm that corresponds to the quarter wavelength of the acoustic standing wave, the diameter of the resonator tube was set equal to 20mm. [6]
Fig.4. Resonator Tube


The stack can be used to convert heat into acoustic power and vice versa, The amount of heat that can be converted into acoustic power (and vice versa) depends on certain aspects of the stack, like material properties, stack dimensions and the position of the stack in the tube.  The stack material should have a high heat capacity and high thermal conductivity in the y (longitudinal axis) direction. The thermal conductivity in the (vertical axis) direction however, should be very low. Heat pumping requires the heat storage and this requires high thermal conductivity in the y (longitudinal axis) direction to be accessible. A low thermal conductivity in x (vertical axis) direction is necessary to minimize losses through conduction from hot to cold side. As it becomes clear, a material with anisotropic thermal conductivity would be best. The length is important for the temperature gradient. The length and cross sectional area of the stack also determine how much the sound waves are perturbed.
                         Fig.5. Ceramic stack                    Fig.6. Glass tube stack

End Plugs

To make the resonator end closed we have used an Aluminum plug to close the top end of resonator. As it forms the end of the hotter region in the resonator, a metal like Aluminum was chosen to absorb this heat and dissipate it to the environment.[6]
Fig.7. End plug

Modeling using DeltaE and Linear Approximations

         For modeling and predictions on the behavior of thermo acoustic devices DeltaE software is used in conjunction with the approximations. DeltaE is the short form of Design Environment for Low- Amplitude Thermo Acoustic Engines, is developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This software can perform calculations on all kinds of acoustic devices using a numeric approach. A text-based model of a device is built out of different segments. These segments can be a tube, a heat exchanger, stack, speaker, etc. The segments are written in sequence, corresponding to the actual location of each part of the device. A set of guessed and target values have to be chosen by the user to decide which variables need to be computed and which conditions must be fulfilled. DeltaE tries to reach the targets by changing the values in the guessed values. The guess values have to be chosen within an acceptable range for the solution to converge. An initial model is mainly based on rough estimates and certain constraints. With those estimations and constraints, DeltaE can do initial calculations and based on those results, the user can further change and optimize the model. [6]

Specifications of Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System

To reduce the heat loss by conduction, resonator tube was constructed from aluminum tubing with plastic tubing at inner portion. Helium was used as the working fluid. Parallel type stack made from thermoplastic was used for this study.[2]
For the design and operation of this thermoacoustic refrigeration system, used parameters are as follows
·         Speed of sound in gas (He) = 1013 m/s
·         Gas specific heat =5193 J/KgK
·         Gas thermal diffusivity =13.2*10^-5 m2/s
·         Gas thermal conductivity = 0.155 W/mK
·         Gas dynamic viscosity = 197×10^-7 Ns/m2
·         Gas density = 0.8845 Kg/m3
·         Ratio of specific heats = 1.67
·         Normalized stack length = 0.262


Model setup with the connection to data acquisition system (DAQ) is a Speaker was placed in the mount and the resonator on top of the speaker. For positioning the stack inside the resonator tube, it  slides from top end. It was pushed down until its top was 47 mm from the top of the resonator. For positioning thermocouples across the stack in the resonator tube, two small holes were drilled in the resonator. Thermocouples measure temperature of hot and cold end of stack. To seal the end of resonator tube aluminum cap was placed at the top of the resonator. For operation of TAR model a signal generator and transformer is required. Signal generator generates 400 Hz sinusoidal input signal to drive the speaker. Amplifier was used to bring the signal up to the desired amplitude. This amplified signal drives the speaker to create temperature gradient across the stack.
 The temperature difference was measured by the thermocouples placed at either end of the stack. The output from the thermocouples was given to data acquisition system (DAQ) for real time analysis [1]
Fig.8. Set up for prototype testing
DAQ-data acquisition system  RTD-resistance temperature detectors


Apart from vapour compression devices, there are several other ways to provide cooling and refrigeration. Although none of these are currently as versatile as a Vapour Compression Systems but some of these systems hold a high possibility of replacing the pollution causing Vapour Compression Systems. Comparison with various systems is as Follows,
The Absorption Refrigeration uses a binary mixture of refrigerant and absorbent like Water/ammonia or LiBr/water. The Adsorption system uses natural refrigerants like water, ammonia or alcohol. Thermo-electric and Thermoacoustic Refrigeration Systems do not use any refrigerant.
           Vapour Absorption Refrigeration is a two stage process. The vapour refrigerant is absorbed in a binary solution which then regenerates the refrigerant on heating externally. It is cooled in the condenser to the required pressure level and the cycle repeats. Much like the Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems the Adsorption Systems are also based on withdrawing heat from surroundings during an evaporation process. Thermo-electric System is based on the Peltier Effect wherein an electric current passing through a junction of two materials will cause a change in temperature. The Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System is powered by either a heat engine running on waste heat or an electric source. Due to compression and expansion of air packets heat transfer across two mediums is made possible. [2]

Future prospective of thermoacoustic Technology:

           It observed from former description that major progress has done in stack. Though, the constant advancement in thermoacoustic technology, entire world has increase speed of investigation. So far, it is remarkable that major effort focus on research of stack, resonator and gas, lack of experimental exploration of thermoacoustic refrigeration. Since earlier result attained by researchers, it clearly noticed that a lot of variation among thermoacoustic refrigeration performance with vapour compression refrigeration in terms of refrigeration ability and temperature range.

Outstanding performance of stack and heat transmission is essential

Theoretical investigation point out that the actual COP of thermoacoustic refrigerator is based on performance of heat exchanger and stack. Also to make use of stack substance to attain the requisite of perfect stack, still there is room for development in structural design, mechanical design, combination of different stack geometries (thin plates, flat plate with wavy, permeable filled element, honeycomb with circular, wire screens, and so on). Further, the performance of heat transport and flow distinctiveness like fluctuating flow frequency, flow velocity, permeability of stack medium, and inside heat source is necessary to the ability of refrigeration. In conclusion, heat transmits within stack and heat exchangers should be improved to permit the heat produced via thermoacoustic working fluid is transport as early as feasible.

Improvement in Resonator and use of different gas is required

The research shows that the performance of thermoacoustic refrigeration system depend upon the stack, resonator and gas. In most of research work, a constant diameter resonator tube is used, and all researchers are concreted only on resonator tube length, but the effect of convergent – divergent section based on wave velocity is still not considered in resonator tube. By using convergent – divergent section the velocity of gas can be increased, and this will help to used low intensity sound generator which will help in reduce the input power.
In literature review it is found that the most of the researcher’s used Helium as a working fluid, and determined the influence of operational fluid on initial temperature variation. But effect of various gases such as Nitrogen, Argon and different gas mixtures such as helium-argon, helium-krypton, and helium-xenon on cooling load is not studied. The use of convergent – divergent section resonator and gas mixture should enhance the performance of thermoacoustic refrigerator.[4]

Main reasons to promote thermoacoustic refrigeration

  • ·     Ecological concern and legislation which considerably limit or prohibit utilization of HFCs within less capacity, self-controlled refrigeration appliances.
  • ·         Restrictions on usage of flammable refrigerant.
  • ·         Few moving parts in thermoacoustic refrigerator, so it is very reliable
  • ·         Thermo acoustic refrigerator have more long life span
  • ·         Thermoacoustic refrigerator  not producing any harmful chemicals like CFC,HCFC and HFC, so it is not harmful to the environment
  • ·         Parts availability is more and having less cost. [2]


  • ·         Efficiency is very less (maximum 40%)
    ·         COP of thermoacoustic refrigerator is less as compared to VCRS.[2]


         This seminar report concludes that, thermo acoustic refrigeration systems are one of the solid alternatives for the conventional systems as they use air or inert gases as refrigerants which do not cause any harm to the environment. It is also observed that for best performance of the system, it is necessary to choose operating parameters wisely. To develop more effective system and decrease price, improvements must be required into stack design, resonator and small but more efficient heat exchanger for fluctuating stream. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop an open system which will decrease or eliminate the utilization of heat exchanger also it should decrease complication and price. According to theory thermo acoustic refrigerators offer competitive efficiencies for the household refrigeration market. [3,4,5]


1] Demonstration of Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration by Setting up an Experimental        Model by Mathewlal T, GauravSingh , Chetan Devadiga, Nehal Mendhe, Mechanical     Engineering Department, Fr CRIT, Vashi, Mumbai.  Mechanical Engineering    Department, Fr CRIT, Vashi, Mumbai.

2] A Study of Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System by Pranav Mahamuni, Pratik Bhansali, Nishank Shah, (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Pune, India) Yash Parikh (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, India).

3] review of investigations in eco - friendly thermoacoustic refrigeration system by Ashish S. RAUT, Dr. Uday S. WANKHEDE Research Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.

4] Investigation of thermoacoustic refrigeration using a standing wave device by Jaydeep M. Bhatt, Milan J. Pandya M.E. (Thermal Engineering), Department of mechanical engineering, L. J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmadabad (Gujarat), India.

5] Design and Experimental Study of Small-Scale Fabricated Thermo-Acoustic Refrigerator by B.Ananda Rao, M.Prasanth Kumar , D.Srinivasa Rao Asst.Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, ANITS, Visakhapatnam-531162, A.P, India.


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