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Showing posts from August, 2018

A Study on Thermo-Acoustic Refrigeration System

IINTRODUCTION           Refrigeration is the science of producing and maintaining temperatures below that of the surrounding atmosphere. It finds application in almost all fields for the purpose of temperature control. Until the beginning of the twenty-first century, CFC’S were widely used as refrigerants. The use of CFC’s is banned acknowledging its harmful effects on the environment. This led to the evolution of HCFC’s and HFC’s. However these too have disadvantages. Both have high cost of production and contribute to global warming. The development of alternative cheap and green refrigeration techniques has thus become the priority for the future. Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration (TAR) is one such green idea for refrigeration. Lord Rayleigh [1] was the first to give a thoroughly qualitative description of thermo-acoustic effects in 1887. After this, the subject remained untouched until 1970 when scientists like Rott, Hofler and G. W. Swift signaled its revi...

Study of heat pipes

SStudy of Heat Pipes INTRODUCTION The heat pipe is a highly effective passive device for transmitting heat at high rates over considerable distances with extremely small temperature drops, exceptional flexibility, simple construction, and easy control with no external pumping power. Engineers, scientists and graduate students interested in heat pipe science often times struggle and spend considerable time poring through archival publications or the contents of heat pipe books in order to understand and predict a heat pipe system. The subject of heat pipe science has immense importance in a large variety of traditional engineering disciplines. The sub-discipline of heat pipe science has its foundation in several classical fields, such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics and solid mechanics. Heat pipe science also provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to apply a variety of complex physical phenomena and fundamental laws in the thermal-fluids area to ...