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Study of heat pipes

SStudy of Heat Pipes


The heat pipe is a highly effective passive device for transmitting heat at high rates over considerable distances with extremely small temperature drops, exceptional flexibility, simple construction, and easy control with no external pumping power. Engineers, scientists and graduate students interested in heat pipe science often times struggle and spend considerable time poring through archival publications or the contents of heat pipe books in order to understand and predict a heat pipe system.
The subject of heat pipe science has immense importance in a large variety of traditional engineering disciplines. The sub-discipline of heat pipe science has its foundation in several classical fields, such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics and solid mechanics. Heat pipe science also provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to apply a variety of complex physical phenomena and fundamental laws in the thermal-fluids area to a relatively simple system, such as the heat pipe. This includes the steady and unsteady forced laminar and turbulent convective heat and mass transfer, compressible vapor effects, phase-change phenomena, boiling, condensation/evaporation, two-phase flow, rotating flows, thin film flows, liquid flow in porous media, rarefied gases, interfacial heat and mass transfer, magneto-hydrodynamic flows, and conjugate heat transfer effects. [3]
Nowadays heat pipes are used in several applications, where one has limited space and the necessity of a high heat flux. Of course it is still in use in space applications, but it is also used in heat transfer systems, cooling of computers, cell phones and cooling of solar collectors.[1]

What is a Heat pipe?

A heat pipe is a simple device that can quickly transfer heat from one Point to another. By means of evaporation & condensation of fluid in a sealed system they are often referred to as the "superconductors" of heat as they possess an extra ordinary heat transfer capacity & rate with almost no heat loss. It consists of a sealed aluminum or copper container whose inner surface have a capillary wicking material. The working fluid is placed inside it & it is highly evacuated. Because of that the working fluid is virtually in a state of liquid-vapor equilibrium. consequently, a slight increase in temperature will cause it to boil &evaporate The central portion of it is heavily insulated on the outside. One end of pipe is known as heating end (evaporator) where heat is absorbed & the other end is known as cooling end (condenser) where heat is given out.
A heat pipe is similar to a thermo-syphon. It differs from a thermo-syphon by Virtue obits ability to transport heat against gravity by an evaporation –condensation cycle with the help of porous capillaries that form the wick. The wick provides the capillary driving force to return the condensate to the evaporator. The quality and type of wick usually determines the performance of the heat pipe, for this is the heart of the product. different types of wicks are used depending on the application for which the heat pipes being used.
Fig:1. Heat pipe model


The predecessor of the heat pipe, the Perkins tube, was introduced by the Perkins family from the mid-nineteenth to the twentieth century through a series of patents in the United Kingdom. Most of the Perkins tubes were wickless gravity-assisted heat pipes (thermosyphons), in which heat transfer was achieved by a change of phase (latent heat of evaporation). The Perkins tube design closest to the present heat pipe was patented by Jacob Perkins (1836). This design was a closed tube containing a small quantity of water operating as a two-phase cycle. The introduction of the heat pipe was first conceived by Gaugler (1944) of the General Motors Corporation in the U.S. Patent No. 2350348. Gaugler, who was working on refrigeration problems at that time, envisioned a device which would evaporate a liquid at a point above the place where condensation would occur without requiring any additional work to move the liquid to the higher elevation. His device consisted of a closed tube in which the liquid would absorb heat at one location causing the liquid to evaporate. The vapor would then travel down the length of the tube, where it would recondense and release its latent heat. It would then travel back up the tube via capillary pressure to start the process over. In order to move the liquid back up to a higher point, Gaugler suggested the use of a capillary structure consisting of a sintered iron wick. A refrigeration unit proposed by Gaugler used a heat pipe to transfer the heat from the interior of a compartment to a pan of crushed ice below. His idea, however, was not used by General Motors for the refrigeration problem.
In 1962, Trefethen (1962) resurrected the idea of a heat pipe in connection with the space program. Serious development started in 1964 when the heat pipe was independently reinvented and a patent application was filed by Grover at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Grover et al. (1964) and Grover (1966) built several prototype heat pipes, the first of which used water as a working fluid, and was soon followed by a sodium heat pipe which operated at 1100 K. Grover and his co-workers also demonstrated the effectiveness of heat pipes as a high performance heat transmission device and proposed several applications for their use. In a U.S. patent application filed by Grover on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grover (1966) coined the phrase “heat pipe” and described a device almost exactly the same as Gaugler’s, stating, “with certain limitations on the manner of use, a heat pipe may be regarded as a synergistic engineering structure which is equivalent to a material having a thermal conductivity greatly exceeding that of any known metal.” In the patent application, Grover (1966) gave a very limited theoretical analysis of heat pipes, but presented experimental results obtained from stainless steel heat pipes that incorporated a screen wick with sodium, silver and lithium as working fluids.
The recognition of the heat pipe as a reliable thermal device was initially due to the preliminary theoretical results and design tools that were reported in the first publication on heat pipe analysis by Cotter (1965). Following this publication, research began worldwide. The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Laboratory at Harwell started experimenting with sodium heat pipes to use as thermionic diode converters. In addition, scientists started conducting similar work at the Joint Nuclear Research Center in Italy, which soon became the most active research center outside the U.S. Shortly thereafter, other countries such as Germany, France, and the former USSR initiated efforts in this regard.
The early development of terrestrial applications of heat pipes proceeded at a slow pace. Due to capillary action, heat pipes can operate in micro gravitational fields without any external force field or pump. Because of this, most early efforts were directed toward space applications. However, due to the high cost of energy, especially in Japan and Europe, the industrial community began to appreciate the significance of heat pipes and thermosyphons in energy savings applications. Today, all developed countries have been actively involved in research, development, and commercialization of heat pipes.
Within the last decade, a major transformation regarding heat pipe technology and application has occurred due to the critical need of electronic cooling and energy systems, as well as the invention of new heat pipes. Several million heat pipes per month are now being manufactured since all modern laptop computers use heat pipe technology to transfer heat away from the processor. Furthermore, research and development for new heat pipes such as loop heat pipes, micro and miniature heat pipes, and pulsating heat pipes, has matured enough for use in various applications.
A significant amount of basic and applied research & development has been performed since 1985 in the area of heat pipes due to the great potential use of this technology for various applications. [3]


The operation of a heat pipe is easily understood by using a cylindrical geometry, However, heat pipes can be of any size or shape. The components of a heat pipe are a sealed container (pipe wall and end caps), a wick structure, and a small amount of working fluid which is in equilibrium with its own vapor. Different types of working fluids such as water, acetone, methanol, ammonia or sodium can be used in heat pipes based on the required operating temperature. The length of a heat pipe is divided into three parts: the evaporator section, adiabatic (transport) section and condenser section. A heat pipe may have multiple heat sources or sinks with or without adiabatic sections depending on specific applications and design. Heat applied externally to the evaporator section is conducted through the pipe wall and wick structure, where it vaporizes the working fluid. The resulting vapor pressure drives the vapor through the adiabatic section to the condenser, where the vapor condenses, releasing its latent heat of vaporization to the provided heat sink. The capillary pressure created by the menisci in the wick pumps the condensed fluid back to the evaporator section. Therefore, the heat pipe can continuously transport the latent heat of vaporization from the evaporator to the condenser section. This process will continue as long as there is a sufficient capillary pressure to drive the condensate back to the evaporator.
Fig:2. Schematic diagram of a heat pipe.


     The experimental setup of heat pipe was developed and tested in the laboratory. All the experimentations are carried out at controlled conditions. The setup consists of a Heat pipe, temperature recorder, power supply unit, and water tank cooling system for condenser. Both the evaporation and adiabatic sections were well thermally insulated by the proper insulation materials. The heat pipe consisting of 10 turns, is made of copper capillary tube having inner diameter is 2.0 mm; the outer diameter is 3.6 mm. The pitch distance between tubes was maintained 15 mm. The heat pipe consists of evaporation, adiabatic and condensation sections with the height of 50 mm for each section. The heating power is provided by a carefully designed power supply unit. Heating was done by oil bath and cooling by water tank. The power meter measures the AC voltage, the current and the corresponding power simultaneously. The Filling Ratio was maintained at 50%. The heating configuration was bottom heat orientation (+900). Ten K-type thermocouples were attached to the wall of the heat pipe. Flow meter was also recorded the mass flow rate of the cooling water.(we can use different size of heat pipe) [4]
Fig:3. Experimental setup


The three basic components of a heat pipe are:
1. The container
2. The working fluid
3. The wick or capillary structure
Fig:4. Components of heat pipe

The choice of each component has marked effect on the working Performance of heat pipe and therefore proper selection of each Component is very important in design of heat pipe. Following explanation is given below


The function of the container is to isolate the working fluid from the outside environment. It has to therefore be leak-proof, maintain the pressure differential across its walls, and enable transfer of heat to take place from and into the working fluid.
Selection of the container material depends on many factors. These are as follows:
·         Compatibility (both with working fluid and external environment)
·         Strength to weight ratio
  •     Thermal conductivity
  •    Ease of fabrication, including welding, machine ability and ductility
  •    Porosity
  •    Wettability
       Most of the above are self-explanatory. A high strength to weight ratio is more important in spacecraft applications. The material should be non-porous to prevent the diffusion of vapor. A high thermal conductivity ensures minimum temperature drop between the heat source and the wick. Material used for heat pipe is stainless steel; copper; aluminum, ceramic material, glass etc depending on temperature range Usually they are in tubular form but it can be constructed in any shape such as Y, T, U, etc. depending upon requirement Effect of length & diameter on The heat transfer capacity of heat pipe is specified by the “axial power rating”(APR)Which is energy moving axially along the pipe larger the diameter; greater will be the APR for the given length ;a 5 mm diameter & 15cmlong pipe has an APR of 75 watts which increases to 500 watts if diameter. Is increased to 20mm. The physical size of heat pipe that have been operated successfully range from 6 mm to 150mm in dia. & up to 5 miter long in length.

Working fluid

       A first consideration in the identification of a suitable working fluid is the operating vapor temperature range. Within the approximate temperature band, several possible working fluids may exist, and a variety of characteristics must be examined in order to determine the most acceptable of these fluids for the application considered.
 The prime requirements are:
  • ·         compatibility with wick and wall materials
  • ·         good thermal stability
  • ·         wet ability of wick and wall materials
  • ·         vapor pressure not too high or low over the
  • ·         operating temperature range
  • ·         high latent heat
  • ·         high thermal conductivity
  • ·         low liquid and vapor viscosities
  • ·         high surface tension
  • Acceptable freezing or pour point
               The selection of the working fluid must also be based on thermodynamic considerations which are concerned with the various limitations to heat flow occurring within the heat pipe like, viscous, sonic, capillary, entrainment and nucleate boiling levels. In heat pipe design, a high value of surface tension is desirable in order to enable the heat pipe to operate against gravity and to generate a high capillary driving force. In addition to high surface tension, it is necessary for the working fluid to wet the wick and the container material i.e. contact angle should be zero or very small. The vapor pressure over the operating temperature range must be sufficiently great to avoid high vapor velocities, which tend to setup large temperature gradient and cause flow instabilities. A high latent heat of vaporization is desirable in order to transfer large amounts of heat with minimum fluid flow, and hence to maintain low pressure drops within the heat pipe. The thermal conductivity of the working fluid should preferably be high in order to minimize the radial temperature gradient and to reduce the possibility of nucleate boiling at the wick or wall surface. The resistance to fluid flow will be minimized by choosing fluids with low values of vapor and liquid viscosities.

Stainless steel, Copper, Silica, Nickel, Titanium
Aluminum, Inconel
Aluminum, Stainless steel, Cold rolled steel, Iron, Nickel

Stainless steel, Copper, silica, Nickel, Iron, Brass
Aluminum, Stainless steel, Copper, Brass, Silica

Aluminum, Iron


Stainless Steel, Copper, Silica

Tungsten, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Niobium
Stainless Steel, Nickel, Inconel, Titanium
Stainless Steel, Nickel, Inconel, Niobium
Titanium, Niobium, Stainless Steel, Nickel based super alloys

Stainless steel
Tantalum, Molybdenum,Niobium, Nickel, Inconel, Titanium
Tungsten, Tantalum
Stainless Steel, Nickel, Inconel, Titanium, Niobium
Tungsten, Tantalum
Table:1. Materials compatibility relative to working fluid.

-271 to -269
-203 to -160
-60 to 100
0 to 120
10 to 130
Flutec PP2
10 to 160
0 to 130
30 to 200
50 to 200
250 to 650
600 to 1200
1000 to 1800
1800 to 2300
Table:2. fluids and their temperature range

Wick or Capillary structure

        It is a porous structure made of materials like steel, aluminium, nickel or copper in various ranges of pore sizes. The prime purpose of the wick is to generate capillary pressure to transport the working fluid from the condenser to the evaporator. It must also be able to distribute the liquid around the evaporator section to any area where heat is likely to be received by the heat pipe. Often these two functions require wicks of different forms. The selection of the wick for a heat pipe depends on many factors, several of which are closely linked to the properties of the working fluid. The maximum capillary head generated by a wick increases with decrease in pore size. The wick permeability increases with increasing pore size. Another feature of the wick, which must be optimized, is its thickness. The heat transport capability of the heat pipe is raised by increasing the wick thickness. The overall thermal resistance at the evaporator also depends on the conductivity of the working fluid in the wick. Other necessary properties of the wick are compatibility with the working fluid and wet ability. [5]

Various wicks structures:
  • ·         screen mesh
  • ·         sintered metal powder grooves
  • ·         sintered metal powders
  • ·         sintered metal powder grooves (fine grooves)
  • ·         clockwise-axial grooves
  •    sintered slabs
Fig:5. Various wicks structures

(1.screen mesh  2. sintered metal powder grooves    3. sintered metal powders       4. sintered metal powder grooves   5. clockwise-axial grooves   6. sintered slabs)

The most common types of wicks that are used are as follows:

Sintered Metal Powder: 

         This process will provide high power handling, low temperature gradients and high capillary forces for anti-gravity applications. The photograph shows a complex sintered wick with several vapor channels and small arteries to increase the liquid flow rate. Very tight bends in the heat pipe can be achieved with this type of structure.

Grooved Tube:

The small capillary driving force generated by the axial grooves is adequate for low power heat pipes when operated horizontally, or with gravity assistance. The tube can be readily bent. When used in conjunction with screen mesh the performance can be considerably enhanced.

Screen Mesh:

   This type of wick is used in the majority of the products and provides readily variable characteristics in terms of power transport and orientation sensitivity, according to the number of layers and mesh counts used. [2] 


Since the heat pipe benefits from the phase change of the working fluid, the thermodynamics of the process are critical. The operation of the heat pipe is limited by several operating phenomena. The main limitations are
  • ·         Capillary Limit
  • ·         Boiling Limit
  • ·         Sonic Limit
  • ·         Entrainment Limit
  • ·         Flooding Limit

Capillary limit

               The wick structure of the heat pipe generates a capillary pressure, which is dependent on the pore radius of the wick and the surface tension of the working fluid. The capillary pressure generated by the wick must be greater than the sum of the gravitational losses, liquid flow losses through the wick, and vapor flow losses. The liquid and vapor pressure drops area function of the heat pipe and wick structure geometry  and the fluid properties. A critical heat flux exists that balances the capillary pressure with the pressure drop associated with the fluid and vapor circulation. For horizontal or against gravity, the capillary limit is the heat pipe limit. For gravity-aided orientations, the capillary limitation may be neglected, and the flooding limit may be used if the heat pipe can have an excess fluid charge.

Boiling Limit

       As more heat is applied to the heat pipe at the evaporator, bubbles may be formed in the evaporator wick. The formation of vapor bubbles in the wick is undesirable because they can cause hot spots and obstruct the circulation of the liquid. As the heat flux is increased, more bubbles are formed. At a certain heat flux limit, the bubble formation completely blocks the liquid flow. This limitation is associated to a radial heat flux. The boiling limitation is typically a high temperature phenomenon. Heat flux limitations for various wick structures should be used for design criteria. Sintered powder metal wick structures have significantly more surface area, and can therefore handle higher heat fluxes. Conservative values are 50 W/cm2 for powder metal wicks,10 W/cm2 for screen wicks, 5 W/cm2 for bare wall thermo syphons.

. Sonic Limit

       In a heat pipe of constant vapor space diameter, the vapor flow accelerates and decelerates because of the vapor addition in the evaporator and the vapor removal in the condenser. The changes in vapor flow also change the pressures along the heat pipe. As more heat Is  applied to the heat pipe, the vapor velocities generally increase. A choked flow condition will eventually arise, where the flow becomes sonic. At this point, the vapor velocities can not increase and a maximum heat transport limitation is achieved. The heat flux that results in choked flow is considered the sonic limit. The addition of more heat will result in an un proportional increase in the heat pipe temperature delta by an increase in the evaporation temperature. This phenomenon is self-correcting as the heat pipe warms up. An additional benefit of the high vapor velocities is the very quick response to heat input.

Entrainment Limit

Since the vapor and the liquid move in opposite directions in a heat pipe, a shear force exists at the liquid-vapor interface. If the vapor velocity is sufficiently high, a limit can be reached at which the liquid will be torn from the pores of the wick and entrained in the vapor. When enough fluid is entrained in the vapor that the condensate flow is stopped, abrupt dry-out of the wick at the evaporator results. The corresponding heat flux that results in this phenomenon is called the Entrainment Limit. The Entrainment Limit is typically not the bounding value.

Flooding Limit

        The flooding limit is only applicable to gravity aided orientations with excess fluid. The wick structure is saturated and the excess fluid results in a “puddle” flow on the surface of the wick structure. The flooding limit, similar to the entrainment, occurs when high vapor velocities preclude the fluid that is flowing on the surface of the wick to return to the evaporator. The vapor shear hold up prevents the condensate from returning to the evaporator and leads to a flooding condition in the condenser section. This causes a partial dry-out of the evaporator, which results in wall temperature excursions or in limiting the operation of the system. [1]
Fig:6. Heat pipe limitations


A. Very High Thermal Conductivity
 Heat pipe utilizes latent heat of evaporation of the  working fluid to transfer heat from the evaporator to condenser of the heat pipe. This mode results a very high thermal conductivity. The effective thermal conductivity is several orders of magnitudes greater than that of the best solid conductor
B. Low Relative Weight
The heat pipe is not a solid metal piece. The weight can be significantly reduced.
C. Reliable in Operation
Heat pipes do not have moving parts; they are extremely reliable. The main cause of failure is non-condensable gas generation in the heat pipe. By proper chosen of container and working fluid combination, this problem can be eliminated.
D. Flexible
The heat pipes can be made in various forms. Circular heat pipe is the most popular from, since it is easy fabrication and low cost. There exist flat plate and double casing heat pipes, rigid and flexible heat pipes, as well as large and micro heat pipes.
E. The Temperature Operating Range
Heat pipe can be designed to operate over a wide range of temperature from cryogenic applications using helium or nitrogen as the working fluid to high temperature applications using silver. The type of working fluid and the operating pressure inside the heat pipe depend on the operating temperature. The operating temperature, in general, should be above the triple point temperature and below the critical temperature of the working fluid. [5]


Heat pipe heat sink has been frequently used to remove the heat from power transistors, Thyristors , and individual chips. Currently, a popular application to use heat pipes is cooling Intel’s Pentium processors in notebook computers. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the heat pipes application to electronics cooling is to present a few of the more common examples.
A. Cooling of Laptop Computer.
B. Cooling of High Power Electronics.
C. HEAT PIPES for Dehumidification and Heat

A. Heat pipes keep laptops cool

ICs in today's laptop computers generate about 50 W/cm2 of heat. To prevent overheating, a fan, often a noisy one, blows heat down onto a copper heat sink on the bottom of the computer, which can really warm up the users lap.
As chips get stacked and circuits are downsized, next-generation ICs might produce 100 W/cm2, the heat levels produced by a light bulb and enough to damage the chips. This could cause some real discomfort. Heat pipes are one possible solution being studied at Sandia National Laboratory. Self powered with no moving parts, they can direct heat to specific areas where it can be safely, and comfortably, dispersed. Heat pipes can also easily retrofit into existing laptop designs. In the heat pipe, heat converts liquid methanol into vapor, which travels the length of the pipe. At the cool end, which can be made cooler by using a small external fan if necessary, the vapour condenses to a liquid and is wicked back to the hot end. Wicks in this design are finely etched lines about as deep as fingerprints. Methanol travels up the wick using capillary action and defying gravity if necessary.

Fig:7. Heat pipe used in laptop

B. Cooling of High Power Electronics.

In addition, other high power electronics including Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR's), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT's) and Thyristors , often utilize heat pipe heat sinks. Heat pipe, are capable of cooling several devices with total heat loads up to 5 kW. These heat sinks are also available in electrically isolated versions where the fin stack can be at ground potential with the evaporator operating at the device potentials of upto 10 kV. Typical thermal resistances for the high power heat sinks range from 0.05 to 0.1°C/watt. Again, the resistance is predominately controlled by the available fin volume and air flow.
Fig:8. Multi-Kilowatt heat pipe assembly

C. Cold energy storage for agricultural products

 Heat pipe will collect cold energy in the winter season and storing underground to create a permafrost system for storage of agricultural products throughout the year. The whole cold energy system is passive, ie. there are no moving parts, there is no electrical consumption and it is reliable and maintenance free. [5]


  • ·         Rate of heat transfer is very high than the solid material.
  • ·         It has no moving parts hence maintains is not required
  • ·         It can transmit heat over the appreciable distance without loss of the heat (i. e isothermal). And thus permitting separation of the heat source and sink
  • ·         It require no power source to accomplish this function
  • ·         It can transfer the heat where a very low temperature difference is available in between source and sink.
  • ·         It is ideal device for removing the heat from a concentrated heat source such as thermo core.
  • ·         It is rugged like any piece of pipe or tube and has no any wearing part hence it has long life.
  • ·         The absence of the gravity does not affect the operation of the heat pipe determinately liquid flow does not depend upon gravity


Like any other practical devices, heat pipe has also disadvantages as listed below:
  • ·         Undesired increase in point-to-point temperature differential along the heat pipe can lead to damage to evaporator section
  • ·         Length of heat pipe is limited
  • ·         Design is complicated
  • ·         The cost of a given heat pipe will tend to reach a minimum in the temperature range of 70 ̊ C to 120 ̊ C. But above &below this range, total cost of heat pipe will be more.


           Heat pipes are very efficient heat transport elements which can be described as light weight devices with high thermal conductance. They allow the transportation of high fluxes with small temperature difference with no change in operating temperature. They can operate at zero gravity environments. In addition there is no moving mechanical parts in heat pipes, and special sets of them can be used for temperature control, as thermal diodes and thermal switches. . It is presently used in space technology, thermal power stations, home applications etc has. It has very bright future.


[1]   Heat pipes and its applications Fabian Korn, Dept. of Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering,Lund University, Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden.
[2]   Heat Pipe for Aerospace Applications—An Overview, K. N. Shukla ,PRERANA CGHS Ltd., Gurgaon, India.
[3]   HEAT PIPES: REVIEW, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES, Amir Faghri, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, U.S.A.
[4]   THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF CLOSED LOOP PULSATING HEAT PIPE USING PURE AND BINARY WORKING FLUIDS, Pramod R. Pachgharea, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Amravati-444 604, India. Ashish M. Mahalleb, Associate Professor, Department of General Engineering, Laxinarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur-444 001, India
[5]   A Review Paper on Role of Heat Pipes in Cooling, vishnu Agarwal ,Dr. Sudhir Jain, Keerti Vyas,Ginni Jain 


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